Each antibody has been verified to recognize the expected antigen in at least one of its recommended applications. For information about recommended applications for specific antibodies and the conditions used for those applications, please visit the item’s catalog page on addgene.org. Before beginning an experiment we encourage you to refer to the primary publication associated with the antibody. If you plan to use your antibody in a novel application, you may want to verify its performance in one of its recommended applications first. You can find details on how to perform many of these assays on our Antibody Protocols page.
If you believe there is an issue with the antibody you received, please notify Addgene within 60 days of receipt. Due to the complexity of antibody-based applications, we will need some application-specific information. Please download and complete the appropriate data request form below. Then, send your information to help@addgene.org and our Scientific Support team will respond as soon as possible to assist you.