No, depositing plasmids with Addgene is free. Please see our Benefits of Depositing Plasmids at Addgene webpage to learn more about depositing plasmids and to read testimonials from other scientists who have done so.
Articles in this section
- Can Addgene distribute my plasmid deposit together as a collection or kit?
- How do I prepare and deposit my plasmids?
- Is there a cost to deposit plasmids?
- Is there a cost for requesting plasmids?
- Which plasmids should I deposit?
- Are there any plasmids that Addgene does not accept?
- If I have received a plasmid from another lab and then modified it in some way, can I submit this plasmid to Addgene?
- I have submitted information online for plasmids that I want to deposit, now what?
- What is in the "Deposit Kit"?
- How do I deposit more than 75 plasmids?