To place an order for an HHMI Investigator, you must follow these two steps:
- Associate your Addgene account with the Investigator’s university
- Check the “HHMI Investigator” box at checkout
Failure to complete both of the steps above will cause legal documents to be generated incorrectly, leading to delays and confusion for the end user.
- Before you place an order for an Investigator, your Addgene account must be associated with the university where the Investigator is located, even if you are located at one of HHMI’s campuses.
You can easily change your account’s organization by following these steps:
- Login to your account.
- Navigate to My Account at the top of the page, then select Account Info.
- Select Update Account Information
- Type in the name of the Investigator’s university or institution.
- Begin the checkout process on our website
Note: there is also a link to the Update Account Information page during checkout.
2. Additionally, you will need to indicate that the end user is an HHMI Investigator by checking the HHMI Investigator box.
If the information above is entered correctly, the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) will automatically be directed to the correct contact(s) at the recipient organization.