Find a detailed step-by-step introduction to our website search here.
General Search Overview
If you are on the homepage, click in the search bar to begin your search:
If you are not on the homepage, click on the “Search” text:
This will open the search bar:
You can type in the name or ID of a gene or plasmid you are searching for in this box. As you type, suggestions will appear below the search bar. If there is an exact match for ID, you can select it, and go directly to the plasmid page.
For keywords, you can scope your search to a specific category in our catalog or educational resources:
If you are not sure which category you want, click the magnifying glass or orange search button. Alternatively, you can push enter to start the search (for example- try a search for cas9). This will bring you to our search category page:
You can select a general category like "Catalog" which will show results for all matching catalog items (e.g. plasmids, viral preps, pooled libraries, kits, and bacterial strains) or select a specific category (e.g. plasmids) which will narrow the search results to that category. The selected category will be shown on the search results page:
You can switch between categories at any point on the search results page.
You can further narrow your search by selecting filters available on the top right-hand side of the Search Results page.
For example, if you are looking for a plasmid that contains your gene, is used for mammalian expression, and has Puromycin selection:
- Select “Mammalian” under Expression
- Select “Encodes one insert” under More Filters > Plasmid Type
- Select “Puromycin” under More Filters > Resistance Marker
You can additionally narrow the search based on Vector Type, Insert Species, Bacterial Resistance, if Viral Service is available, and number of Requests.